Privacy Policy

Verdure Medihelp Pvt. Ltd (“VM”) is the author and publisher of the internet resource (“Website”) on the world wide web as well as the software and applications provided by VM (together with the Website, referred to as the “Services”).

This Privacy Policy, referred to as the “Privacy Policy,” serves to elucidate the methods by which we gather, employ, share, and safeguard personal information pertaining to users of our services. These users encompass Practitioners (as defined in the Terms of Use), End-Users (as defined in the Terms of Use), Diagnostic/Lab Centers (as defined in the Terms of Use), and visitors to our website. Collectively and individually, they are referred to as “you” or “Users” within the confines of this Privacy Policy. We have formulated this Privacy Policy to underscore our dedication to preserving your privacy and safeguarding your personal data. Your utilization of and access to our services are contingent upon adherence to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Any capitalized terminology utilized herein, but not explicitly defined, is ascribed the definitions articulated in our Terms of Use.



This Privacy Policy has been established to adhere to, among other things, the following regulations:

  • Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000
  • Regulation 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011 (referred to as the “SPI Rules”)
  • Regulation 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011

The aim of this Privacy Policy is to outline the subsequent aspects:

  • The categories of data gathered from Users, which may encompass sensitive personal data or information.
  • The objectives, methods, and mechanisms employed in the utilization of this data.
  • The manner in which VM will divulge such information and to whom it will be disclosed.


In many instances, certain Services necessitate a knowledge of your identity to better cater to your requirements. When you engage with the Services, we may request that you willingly furnish us with specific details that either directly identifies you or could potentially do so. In addition to the above, the information collected by us may encompass, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Contact information (e.g., email address and phone number).
  • Demographic particulars (e.g., gender, date of birth, and postal code).
  • Data regarding your utilization of the services and your history of appointments made by or with you through the Services.
  • Insurance particulars (e.g., insurance carrier and insurance plan).
  • Any other data that you opt to share with us voluntarily (e.g., information conveyed via emails or letters).
  • Personal medical information (e.g., medical history, prescriptions, medication history, etc.).

It is important to note that the information collected by VM may fall under the categories of ‘personal information’ or ‘sensitive personal data or information’ in accordance with the SPI Rules. The SPI Rules define personal information as any data related to a natural person that, either directly or indirectly, in conjunction with other information held or likely to be held by a corporate entity, can be used to identify that individual.

Furthermore, ‘sensitive personal data or information’ according to the SPI Rules pertains to personal information concerning an individual, which includes details such as:

  • Passwords.
  • Financial information, including bank accounts, credit and debit card details, or other payment instrument information.
  • Physical, physiological, and mental health conditions.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Medical records and medical history.
  • Biometric data.
  • Information obtained by a corporate entity through a legal contract or other means.
  • Visitor details provided during registration or subsequently.
  • Call data records.

Please note that information freely accessible in the public domain or accessible under the Right to Information Act, 2005, or any other applicable law, will not be classified as personal information or sensitive personal data or information.



This section pertains to all Users.

Hence, a prerequisite for every User’s utilization of and access to the Services is their acceptance of the Terms of Use, which also includes consent to the terms contained within this Privacy Policy. Any User who does not concur with any of the provisions therein has the option to cease using the Services offered by VM immediately.

A non-exhaustive list of the information that VM may request you to furnish to facilitate your use of the Services can be found in the Schedule attached to this Privacy Policy.

Every piece of information provided to VM by a User, including sensitive personal information, is offered on a voluntary basis. It is essential to acknowledge that VM may use specific information designated as ‘sensitive personal data or information’ under the SPI Rules:

  1. a) To provide the Services. b) For commercial purposes, and in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable format, for research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence purposes. c) To sell or transfer such research, statistical, or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates.

VM also reserves the right to employ information provided by or about the End-User for the following purposes:

  • Publishing such information on the Website.
  • Contacting End-Users to offer new products or services.
  • Contacting End-Users to gather product and Service feedback.
  • Analyzing software usage patterns to enhance product design and utility.
  • Analyzing anonymized practice information for commercial purposes.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you provide your consent to the utilization of such information by VM. The collection of information classified as ‘sensitive personal data or information’ under the SPI Rules necessitates your explicit consent. In assenting to this Privacy Policy, you furnish the requisite consent as mandated by applicable law. Failure to provide this consent through email may render our Services unavailable to you.

VM does not oversee or endorse the content, messages, or information present in any Services. Consequently, VM explicitly disclaims any responsibility regarding the Services and any actions resulting from your participation in said Services. By using the Services, you agree to waive any claims against VM pertaining to the same. In cases where this waiver may not be legally effective, you agree to release any claims against VM in connection with such matters.

You are accountable for maintaining the accuracy of the information you submit to us, including your contact details furnished during account registration. Should your personal information change, you have the option to correct, eliminate inaccuracies, or amend information by making the necessary alterations on our member information page or by contacting us through We will make good faith efforts to effect requested changes in our currently active databases as promptly as feasible. If you provide information that is false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete (or it becomes so), or if VM has reasonable grounds to suspect the information’s inaccuracy, VM may, at its sole discretion, discontinue the provision of Services to you.

You can opt out of receiving non-essential communications, such as promotional and marketing-related information about the Services, by sending an email request to

If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer utilize your information to provide you with services, you can contact us via . We will retain your information as long as your account with the Services is active and as necessary for the provision of our Services. This information will not be retained beyond the lawful or other obligatory timeframes. After a certain period, your data may be anonymized and aggregated and used solely for analytical purposes.

To opt out of receiving non-essential communications, including promotional and marketing-related information about the Services, please send an email to

VM may require Users to make payments for Services using credit cards, wire transfers, debit cards, or checks. VM will collect the necessary financial information, including credit card numbers and bank account information, for billing and payment processes. Verification of this financial information, however, is solely conducted by the User through an authentication process. Credit card and debit card details of Users are processed on secure sites of approved payment gateways, which are digitally encrypted for the highest degree of security according to current technology. Users also have the option not to save their payment details; however, it’s important to exercise discretion when using the internet, as it is not entirely infallible.

Due to standard internet communication protocols, VM automatically receives the URL of the site from which a User visits the Website. VM also obtains the User’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, computer operating system, web browser type, email patterns, and the User’s Internet Service Provider (ISP). This information is used to analyze overall trends and improve the Service. The link between the User’s IP address and personally identifiable information is not shared with third parties. Nonetheless, VM may share some aggregate findings (not specific data) in anonymized form (i.e., non-personally identifiable) with advertisers, sponsors, investors, strategic partners, and others for business development purposes.

The Website employs temporary cookies to store certain data that is not sensitive personal information, used for technical administration, research and development, and user administration. While serving advertisements or optimizing services, VM may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on the User’s browser. These cookies, however, do not store personal information. Limited access to the Website is available for Users who do not create an account. Unregistered Users can make appointments by providing their name and phone number. To access all features and benefits on the Website, Users must create an account, providing personal information including name, User ID, email address, country, ZIP/postal code, age, phone number, password, and financial account information. Other information on the registration page is optional. VM may request additional information from Users in the future to customize the Website and provide personalized information. By completing the registration process, Users are presumed to consent to various matters.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to Services owned and operated by VM. VM does not control the sites displayed in search results or linked within its Services. These other sites may place their own cookies or files on a User’s computer, collect data, or solicit personal information. VM is not responsible for the privacy practices, policies, or terms of use of such third-party websites, nor does VM guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of information available on those websites. Visiting a third-party website linked to the Website is done at the User’s own risk. VM recommends reading the privacy policies of such websites.

The Website allows Users to communicate with other Users or post information for access by others, from which other Users may collect data. These Users, including moderators or administrators, are not authorized VM representatives or agents. Their opinions or statements do not necessarily reflect those of VM, and they are not authorized to bind VM to any contract. VM disclaims liability for any reliance or misuse of such information made available by Users or visitors in this manner.

VM does not collect information about Website visitors from other sources, such as public records, private organizations, or other bodies, except for the purposes of User registration, as required under the terms of use to provide effective Services.

VM adheres to a strict “No-Spam” policy, which means that VM does not intend to sell, rent, or give away your email address to a third party without your consent.

VM has implemented rules and technical measures to safeguard personal data under its control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. VM is not liable for any data loss or theft resulting from unauthorized access to a User’s electronic devices used to access the Services.

In case of any data loss or theft due to unauthorized access to a User’s electronic devices, VM shall not be held responsible for any resulting loss incurred by the User.


This section is applicable to all Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers.

As a part of the registration process and the creation and submission of applications available to Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers on VM, certain information, including sensitive personal data or information, is collected from Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers.

All the provisions in this Privacy Policy pertain to all Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers. Therefore, it is mandatory for all Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers to thoroughly read and comprehend the privacy statements outlined herein before submitting any sensitive personal data or information to VM. Failure to do so obliges Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers to exit the Services, including the Website, immediately.

Personal identifiable information furnished by Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers to VM is employed to help them describe and identify themselves. This information is the sole property of VM. VM may use such information for commercial purposes and in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence purposes, and may sell or transfer such research, statistical, or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. VM also reserves the right to utilize information provided by or about Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers for the following purposes:

  • Publishing such information on the Website.
  • Contacting Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers to offer new products or services.
  • Contacting Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers for obtaining product feedback.
  • Analyzing software usage patterns to enhance product design and utility.
  • Analyzing anonymized practice information, including financial and inventory information, for commercial use.

VM automatically facilitates the listing of Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers’ information on its Website for every Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers added to the listing using its software. The Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers’ information listed on the Website is displayed when End-Users search for Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers on the Website and is used by End-Users to request Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers appointments and order tests, etc. Any personally identifiable information of Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers listed on the Website is not generated by VM; it is either provided by Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers themselves, who wish to enlist on the Website, or collected by VM from the public domain. VM displays such information on its Website on an “as-is” basis, without making any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information. However, VM takes reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information.

VM also displays information for Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers who have not signed up or registered for the Services. Such Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers are verified by VM or its associates, and VM makes every effort to capture accurate information for these Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers. Nonetheless, VM disclaims any liability for any incorrect or incomplete information appearing on the Website for such Lab Centers/Diagnostics Centers.


This section is applicable to all Practitioners.

As a part of the registration process and the creation and submission of applications available to Practitioners on VM, certain information, including sensitive personal data or information, is collected from Practitioners.

All the provisions in this Privacy Policy apply to all Practitioners. Therefore, it is mandatory for all Practitioners to thoroughly read and comprehend the privacy statements outlined herein before submitting any sensitive personal data or information to VM. Failure to do so obliges Practitioners to exit the Services, including the Website, immediately.

Practitioners’ personally identifiable information provided to VM is used to help Practitioners describe and identify themselves. This information is the sole property of VM. VM may use such information for commercial purposes and in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence purposes, and may sell or transfer such research, statistical, or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. VM also reserves the right to utilize information provided by or about Practitioners for the following purposes:

  • Publishing such information on the Website.
  • Contacting Practitioners to offer new products or services.
  • Contacting Practitioners to obtain product feedback.
  • Analyzing software usage patterns to enhance product design and utility.
  • Analyzing anonymized practice information, including financial and inventory information, for commercial use.

VM automatically facilitates the listing of Practitioners’ information on its Website for every ‘Doctor’ or ‘Clinic’ added to a Practice using its software. The Practitioner information listed on the Website is displayed when End-Users search for doctors on the Website and is used by End-Users to request doctor appointments. Any personally identifiable information of Practitioners listed on the Website is not generated by VM; it is either provided by Practitioners themselves, who wish to enlist on the Website, or collected by VM from the public domain. VM displays such information on its Website on an “as-is” basis, without making any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information. However, VM takes reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information.

VM also displays information for Practitioners who have not signed up or registered for the Services. Such Practitioners are verified by VM or its associates, and VM makes every effort to capture accurate information for these Practitioners. Nonetheless, VM disclaims any liability for any incorrect or incomplete information appearing on the Website for such Practitioners.


This section is applicable to all End-Users.

As a part of the registration/application creation and submission process available to End-Users on this website, certain information, including sensitive personal data or information, is collected from the Users.

All the provisions in this Privacy Policy pertain to all End-Users. Therefore, it is mandatory for all End-Users to thoroughly read and comprehend the privacy statements outlined herein before submitting any sensitive personal data or information to VM. Failure to do so obliges End-Users to exit VM immediately.

If you have inadvertently submitted any such information to VM prior to reading the privacy statements outlined herein and you do not agree with the manner in which such information is collected, stored, or used, then you may access, modify, and delete such information by using options provided on the Website. In addition, you can inquire about whether VM possesses your personal data by sending an email to, and you may also require VM to delete and destroy all such information.

Personal identifiable information provided by End-Users on the Website is used to help them describe/identify themselves. Other information that does not personally identify the End-Users as an individual is collected by VM from End-Users (such as patterns of utilization described above) and is exclusively owned by VM. VM may also use such information in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form for research, statistical analysis, and business intelligence purposes and may sell or otherwise transfer such research, statistical, or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. In particular, VM reserves the right to use anonymized End-User demographics information and anonymized End-User health information for the following purposes:

  • Analyzing software usage patterns to improve product design and utility.
  • Analyzing such information for research and development of new technologies.
  • Using analysis of such information in other commercial product offerings of VM.
  • Sharing analysis of such information with third parties for commercial use.

VM will communicate with End-Users through email, phone, and notices posted on the Website or through other means available through the service, including text and other forms of messaging. End-Users can change their e-mail and contact preferences at any time by sending email to

At times, VM conducts a User survey to collect information about End-Users’ preferences. These surveys are optional, and if End-Users choose to respond, their responses will be kept anonymous. Similarly, VM may offer contests to qualifying End-Users in which we ask for contact and demographic information such as name, email address, and mailing address. The demographic information that VM collects in the registration process and through surveys is used to help VM improve its Services to meet the needs and preferences of End-Users. This may include targeting advertising to End-Users about our Services.

VM may keep records of electronic communications and telephone calls received and made for making appointments or other purposes for the purpose of administration of Services, customer support, research and development, and for better listing of Practitioners and Lab Centers/Diagnostic Centers.

All VM employees and data processors who have access to, and are associated with the processing of sensitive personal data or information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of every End-User’s sensitive personal data and information.

VM may also disclose or transfer End-Users’ personal and other information, which a User provides, to a third party as part of reorganization or a sale of the assets of a VM corporation division or company. Any third party to which VM transfers or sells its assets will have the right to continue using the personal and other information provided by End-Users to us, in accordance with the Terms of Use.

To the extent necessary to provide End-Users with the Services, VM may provide their personal information to third-party contractors who work on behalf of or with VM to provide End-Users with such Services, to help VM communicate with End-Users, or to maintain the Website. Generally, these contractors do not have any independent right to share this information. However, certain contractors who provide services on the Website, including the providers of online communications services, will have rights to use and disclose the personal information collected in connection with the provision of these Services in accordance with their own privacy policies.


No sensitive personal data or information is automatically collected by VM from casual visitors to this website who are merely browsing the site.

Nevertheless, certain provisions of this Privacy Policy are applicable to even such casual visitors. Therefore, casual visitors are required to read and understand the privacy statements outlined herein before continuing to browse the website. Failure to do so obliges casual visitors to leave this website immediately.

If you, as a casual visitor, have inadvertently browsed any other page of this Website before reading the privacy statements outlined herein and you do not agree with the manner in which such information is obtained, stored, or used, merely quitting this browser application should ordinarily clear all temporary cookies installed by VM. All visitors are encouraged to use the “clear cookies” functionality of their browsers to ensure such clearing/deletion, as VM cannot guarantee, predict, or provide for the behavior of the equipment of all the visitors to the Website.

You are not considered a casual visitor if you have willingly submitted any personal data or information to VM through any means, including email, post, or through the registration process on the Website. All such visitors will be deemed to be, and will be treated as, Users for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, and in which case, all the provisions in this Privacy Policy apply to such persons.


Your Personal Information is maintained by VM in electronic format on its equipment and on the equipment of its employees. Such information may also be converted into physical form from time to time. VM takes all necessary precautions to safeguard your personal information, both online and offline, and implements reasonable security practices and measures, including various managerial, technical, operational, and physical security controls that are in line with the type of information collected and the nature of VM’s business.

VM provides access to User information to its employees, agents, partners, and third parties solely on a need-to-know basis and enforces strict confidentiality obligations on all such personnel.

One of VM’s core functions is to assist doctors, lab/diagnostic centers in maintaining and organizing such information. Therefore, VM may retain and disclose such records to the relevant authorities or to doctors and lab/diagnostic centers upon their request for access to such information.

Another essential aspect of VM’s functionality is to help patients access their own information. Consequently, VM may also retain and provide such records to the respective patients or their doctors.

However, it’s important to note that VM is not responsible for the confidentiality, security, or distribution of your personal information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreements with them. Furthermore, VM disclaims responsibility for any security breaches or actions of third parties or events beyond VM’s reasonable control, including government actions, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage devices, computer malfunctions, security breaches and encryption, poor Internet or phone service quality affecting the User, and more.


VM may revise this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without prior notice. In case of substantial changes in how VM handles User’s personally identifiable information or in the Privacy Policy itself, VM will either post a notice on the Website or send Users an email, as described above, to allow them to review the updated terms before continuing to use the Services. If you disagree with any changes to our terms and no longer wish to use the Services, you can deactivate your account by contacting Unless stated otherwise, VM’s current Privacy Policy applies to all information VM holds about You and Your account.

If a User utilizes the Services or accesses the Website following a notice of changes sent to the User or published on the Website, the User thereby consents to the modified terms.


VM strongly encourages parents and guardians to oversee the online activities of their minor children and consider utilizing parental control tools provided by online services and software manufacturers to create a child-friendly online environment. These tools can help prevent minors from disclosing their name, address, and other personally identifiable information online without parental permission.


You acknowledge that this Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Use for the Website and other Services. You unequivocally agree that becoming a User of the Website and its Services indicates your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. Your visit to the Website and use of the Services is subject to this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.


If you have any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or VM’s practices in collecting, using, and disclosing information, please contact us at the following address: We will make reasonable efforts to respond promptly to any requests, questions, or concerns you may have about our handling of your personal information.